[pyqtgraph] Modifying mouse click and drag events in ImageItem - signals.connect versus functions
Talia Weiss
2018-08-20 17:25:15 UTC
Sorry it took so long to get back to you.

Thanks this makes a lot of sense! What helped the most was the hoverEvent
example you provided - event.acceptClicks and event.acceptDrags basically
determines whether handling of the event happens in this level (i.e. the
subclass of ImageItem) versus the original ImageItem or higher in the

I have another related question - what about overriding keypress behavior?
Should it be done all the way on the GraphicsWindow level (like had been
or can I also subclass something like ViewBox?

Obviously adding a keyPressEvent to ImageItem didn't do anything (because
there is no scene object?) but when I try to subclass ViewBox just adding a
print(ev.key()) to keyPressEvent function I just get segmentation faults.

Thanks again so much for your help
Regarding the use of scene events: you just need to map the position of
image_pos = image_item.mapFromScene(event.scenePos())
If this makes no sense at all, then I recommend reading about Qt
GraphicsView and how it handles coordinate system (
All that said, *probably* catching events directly from the ImageItem is
the best way to go for your purpose. This requires creating a subclass of
ImageItem that reimplements the methods mouseClickEvent, mouseDragEvent,
import pyqtgraph as pg
print("Click", event.pos())
print("Start drag", event.pos())
print("Stop drag", event.pos())
print("Drag", event.pos())
# the mouse is hovering over the image; make sure no other
# will receive left click/drag events from here.
img = DrawingImage(pg.np.random.normal(size=(100, 150)),
view = pg.plot()
In the example above, event.pos() is already expressed in the coordinate
system of the image, so no mapping is necessary.
Also note that because we are capturing left-drag events, you won't be
able to pan the view using the left mouse button, but middle-drag will
still work.
Hi all,
I'm trying to write some code that will allow me to paint on an image in
different colors and I'm very confused about how to go about it. ImageItem
does implement a small drawing example but as I want to extend the
functionality further the ImageItem-draw example script has been of little
Basically I need access to mouse click and mouse drag events on an
imageItem. I thought that grabbing the scene and connecting
sigMouseClicked would give me access to that, but I have no idea how to
interpret either the evt.pos() or evt.scenePos() points it returns. I have
an ImageItem inside a PlotItem so I have axes for the image, and the points
returned do not correspond at all to where I am clicking.
I've additionally tried to make a new class inheriting ImageItem, but
overwriting the mouseClick and mouseDrag events don't seem to work.
I'm overall very confused about where the mousedrag and mouseclick events
for things like dragging and scaling the scene are even handled? It
doesn't seem to be in pg.GraphicsItem/etc. This is important because I
want to be able to paint on an image and drag it still (maybe by
shift-dragging instead of just dragging, which would draw to the screen)?
Any advice or insight anyone could give me on this would be greatly
global img
pos = evt.pos()
x, y = (int(pos.x()), int(pos.y()))
w, h, _ = img.image.shape
#x = x - h
#y = y-h
imcopy = img.image.copy()
imcopy[y-10:y+10, x-10:x+10, :] = [255, 255, 255]
img.setImage(imcopy, autoLevels=False)
# Interpret image data as row-major instead of row-major
app = pg.mkQApp() #alias for QtGui.QApplication([])
## Create window with ImageView widget
win = pg.GraphicsLayoutWidget()
## Add a PlotItem
p1 = win.addPlot()
# an ImageItem then goes in the viewbox to display an image
img = pg.ImageItem()
## Initially display the first frame
img.setImage(np.zeros((100, 100, 3)))
## make the image the correct orientation
## only have to do this once
#get the scene of the imag
sc = img.scene()
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